Tuesday 10 May 2016

Major Types Of Ceiling Fans Manufactured In India

There are mainly three major types of fans manufactured in India. Let’s take a look at them below. 

1. Traditional propeller ceiling fans

Basically, the ceiling fans that we know about belong to this type. This type of fan is located on the ceiling and the blades rotate in a direction parallel to the floor. 

The traditional hanging propeller ceiling fan is what people normally think of as a ceiling fan. The fan hangs perpendicular from the ceiling and the blade rotation is parallel to the floor. 

However, these fans can also be categorised into various sub types depending upon the power consumption, blade size, speed, design etc. Normally, this type of fan is the cheapest type of fan available in India. 

2. Directional Ceiling Fans

These are somewhat similar to the first type, in that they too are located in the ceiling. However, unlike the traditional propeller ceiling fans, these fans can rotate in a particular direction and hence, the range the cover is much more. However, these fans are usually smaller and they are mainly used to provide air circulation to a small area. These fans can prove to be a good alternative if the room is small and you only need air circulation in a particular area. 

3. Pedestal Fans

Pedestal fans in India are quite popular, and they are similar to the directional ceiling fans except for the fact that they do not hang from the ceiling. These fans are placed on the floor, and the height can be adjusted as required. These too can rotate if required which increases the range they cover. These are quite expensive compared to other two types of fans.

These are the major types of fans available in the country. Other than these, there are also high speed fans in India and designer fans. High speed fans, as the name suggests, rotate at extremely high speeds so they provide maximum air circulation, but they make more noise and also cost more. Nowadays, more and more luxurious fans are being manufactured which bear a unique style, known as designer fans. These are mainly placed in home theatres or luxury master bedrooms.

Ceiling fans play an important role in our lives, especially for Indian citizens, since summers are almost intolerable and running the air conditioners all the time will result in a huge electric bill. If you are thinking of buying a new ceiling fan or pedestal fan for your personal use, you should definitely consider Polycab, which is one of the best fan manufacturing companies in the country currently.